Choosing Caitlyn Jenner – The Name Struggle was Real

Choosing Caitlyn Jenner - The Name Struggle was Real

Credit: Vanity Fair

The Lady Caitlyn Jenner is now ready to take over the world in her full swing and shared her feelings about choosing the name which was not an easy task.

According to Caitlyn, the transition from Bruce Jenner was the best decision she has ever made for her and now she is on top of the world. She said in her recent interview to Vanity Fair that choosing a name for her was the most difficult task and she did put a lot of thought into it.

She shared the fact that she had started considering lady names two years prior to her transition. She even started watching the Miss America pageant for name suggestions. She used to consider the names of the contestants for ideas. There were many speculations and rumors about the name until it was announced as “Caitlyn”.

The names that Caitlyn really liked were Heather or Cathy but then her assistant Rhonda suggested that it be Caitlyn. Bruce who is now Caitlyn Jenner loved the idea and sealed the deal.

She explained in her recent interview that she got really excited after hearing the name and told her assistant that she also liked the name very much. Caitlyn also said that deciding the name had been the hardest part for her.

After the name was decided, the very next step was to decide the little details about spelling the name. According to the famous Kardashian family tradition the first alphabet of the names of all the ladies start with the letter ‘K’ such as, ex-wife Kris Jenner, daughters Kendall, Kylie Jenner, stepdaughters Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian.

It was not an easy task for Caitlyn to break the tradition and spell her name with a C instead of a K apart from the Kardashians. Bruce has been part of the Kardashian family for a very long time but Caitlyn is not ready for any sort of compromises and has decided to live life on her own terms.

Caitlyn Jenner further made a statement about her gender transition and said that she is very excited about her future as Caitlyn and is looking forward to living life from a different perspective. She also shared her feelings about her new self as feeling very powerful at the age of 65 and said that she is going to be okay with it.

However, her mother who is originally known as Bruce’s mother is having a hard time making adjustments with her son’s transition. Her mother insists on calling her Bruce at the moment and says that she will get used to the situation but currently is not all right with calling her son Caitlyn.

Caitlyn also added that although the whole process of choosing a name was very difficult but she did enjoy it. She shared the fact that she never thought that she would be choosing a female name one day. But ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner did happen.

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