Galaxy Note 4 Tops Survey Conducted By American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).

Galaxy Note 4 Tops Survey Conducted By American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).

Smartphone users in US are highly satisfied with Galaxy Note 4

Yes, you heard it right! Smartphone users is US are more satisfied with the quality and performance of the Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 than any of this year’s Apple’s flagship Smartphones. This should come as a surprise for many, but that’s what the recent statistics say. According to the survey carried out by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 is in first place with 86 points while four Smartphones share the second spot with 82 points and these are Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy S5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

What’s interesting is that people in US seem to like larger displays which is evident from looking at the rankings. Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Note 3 and iPhone 6 Plus, all have a 5.5 inch display or more. That was the ratings for customer satisfaction for Smartphones, lets have a quick look at the manufacturer’s ratings for customer satisfaction. As you can expect, Samsung Electronics shares the top spot with Apple and scored about 80 points while Motorola Mobility and BlackBerry holds second and third position respectively with 79 and 78 points.

They are followed by HTC, Microsoft or Nokia, LG and others in 77, 75, 74 and 71 points. It was also noted that the most thing that users like about their phones is texting and calling followed by the design and size of the phone. The thing that bothers the customers is the battery life of their phone and that’s what they seem to be so unhappy about.

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