Samsung Launches Design Website Dedicated to its Creative Design Process

Samsung Launches Brand New Design Website

Samsung is in the midst of fighting a legal battle over copyright issues with Apple. And is it a mere coincidence that it has launched a brand new design website in the present predicament in which it finds itself?

Samsung Electronics is a master genius corporation in matters of hyper-marketing and viral advertising. Its wide screen television sets are indeed the brainchild of some very extraordinary people who know their technology chops. 

Yet it has recently been embroiled in a lawsuit that Apple Incorporated brought against it in the court of law. Such litigious matters are fairly common in the business world where competitors are willing to sue one another at the drop of a hat. 

Apple claimed that Samsung had blatantly copied some of its designs. So what did Samsung do to quell the rumors? Why, it launched a website displaying the thousand and one influences in matters of design that have inspired the staff of Samsung. The beautiful site does have a wishy-washy feel to it in case of the wording it employs, but the design products are simply exquisite. 

“Considering how large a role all of those play in design, we didn’t really get to hear much about them – until now. is Samsung Electronics’ newly launched website dedicated to the creative processes that go into design at Samsung, and some of the behind the scenes stories related to design,” states Samsung

The new Samsung design website opens with a spread-out of the message that Samsung is making it meaningful. Then the most luscious, colorful and shapely series of images begin to unfold before your very eyes. 

The captions and slogans that go with them are very inspirational although a bit unrealistic. But for the visually-oriented crowd, the site is a dream come true. 

The products that Samsung has designed up until now include special washing machines for the Indian market where monsoon weather and electricity shortages don’t allow for ordinary washing machines to function. Then the various cross-fertilizing ideas in relation to design and designers were depicted in the most interesting and pellucid form on screen. 

“As global lifestyles become more diverse, the way people pick and choose their products has changed. Design has become central to consumers’ purchasing decisions and Samsung’s product innovation continues to evolve to meet these needs.” according to DongHoon Chang, Executive Vice President and Head of the Design Strategy Team of Samsung Electronics. And he goes on, “People are increasingly curious about how Samsung products are designed and who makes them.”

Even if this is a ploy by Samsung to divert attention away from its current legal battle with Apple, it will educate and entertain the world’s eye-experts to no end. And isn’t that what life is all about: seeing things and visualizing ends!   

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