Google launches Ebola fund

Photo Credits: Google
  • Google tosses $10 million
  • Collecting contributions at the website
  • Zuckerberg’s $25 m donation last month

The company has decided to give $2 for every $1 donation

In a fight against Ebola, Google went forward with its new campaign on Monday in which the company tossed in US $10 million for donations and said it would match donations to the fund two to one. Along with this, the CE and co-founder of Google, Larry Page, said that his family’s foundation is also going to be contributing US $15 million to fight the disease. In a blog post which announced this donation campaign, Page said “Our hearts go out to everyone whose lives have been touched by this tragedy.”

The collection of the contributions started at the website onetoday.Google.Com/fightebola on which Google had also included a message which said that the two-for-one dollar match would continue until US $7.5 million more in donations were collected. Beneficiaries of this support extended by Google are going to include some groups working towards fighting the deadly virus including InSTEDD, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), NetHope, and Save the Children.

Last month Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife also announced a donation of US $25 million which they were giving to help US efforts to curb the disease as much as possible. Zuckerberg said on his Facebook page “The Ebola epidemic is at a critical turning point… It is spreading very quickly and projections suggest it could infect one million people or more over the next several months if not addressed. We need to get Ebola under control in the near term so that it doesn’t spread further and become a long-term global health crisis that we end up fighting for decades at large scale, like HIV or polio.” Zuckerberg along with his wife Priscilla were making donations for the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Foundation.

Zuckerberg also said that “Grants like this directly help the frontline responders in their heroic work. These people are on the ground setting up care centers, training local staff, identifying Ebola cases and much more.”

source: google

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