Carson Palmer Leaves Season to Nurse ACL Injuries

Carson Palmer Leaves Season to Nurse ACL Injuries

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Carson Palmer Leaves Season to Nurse ACL Injuries

The season has ended early for Carson Palmer. The Arizona Cardinals quarterback suffered a severe tear on his knee and so he has to be away from the season until he fully recovers from his worn out ACL.

According to Bleachereport, the injury came calling on Sunday during a match between the Cardinals and St. Louis Rams. Despite the setback, Cardinals still carried the day.

The 34 year old quarterback came tumbling down when he clashed with Rams defender, Mark Barron. Palmer was earlier successful in avoiding Barron but due to the defender’s persistence he could not go any further. He had actually tried to make a throw but it was all in vain.

The sudden injury has left Palmer and Cardinals at crossroads. This is because Cardinals had just added three more years to Palmer’s contract. The outcome is similar to another injury that he experienced back in 2006 one week after securing a deal with Cincinnati Bengals.

It’s just a coincidence that the two injuries affected the same part : his knees.

Many are keeping their fingers crossed to see how the contract will end. So far, the star has recorded 1,626 yards with 11 touchdowns. Palmer had suffered a shoulder injury at the onset of 2014 season. Though the injury sounded less severe, he was kept on the bench for almost a month.

When Palmer returned after one month, his performance was very promising and everyone believed he was headed to a Pro Bowl. By then, he had thrown a considerable number of touchdowns.

In fact he had not recorded any touchdowns for St. Louis. If his performance would not have been cut short by the injury, he would have taken Cardinals to the tops.

The vacuum left by Palmer has to be occupied. Cardinals have settled for Stanton because his performance comes second after Palmer’s. The new replacement has recorded 614 yards and three touchdowns.

Cardinals are lucky to have an experienced player like Stanton. Things would not be the same if they did not find someone to take the place of Palmer. Though he can’t match Palmer’s performance, his presence is crucial because the team has to keep its game up.

Palmer has proved he is a reliable player but injuries have always stood on his way.Though he has not yet lost the golden opportunity, he has a long way to go because his contract /4/not be continued if he remains in bad shape for a long time.


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