Kim Kardashian #Breaktheinternet Photos have turned out to be Duds

Kim Kardashian #Breaktheinternet Photos have turned out to be Duds

Paper Mag

Yes, it is a fact! The Kim Kardashian #Breaktheinternet photos have turned out to be duds after all.

Well, well! What do we have here! The supposedly untouched photos of Kim Kardashian’s buttocks have instead proved to be false pics in reality. And this has been said to be so according to a statement by the execs and staff of Paper Mag itself.

The real photos that have come before the micro-vision of the public eye are much uglier than that big round beautiful butt seen in the pics in the magazine. They not only have dimples, rolls of fat and a broader waistline but also have a couple of stretch marks or stria to boot.

Now that is what we call seeing the wrinkles and pimples after the honeymoon phase is over. All pornography junkies must be having nightmares instead of wet dreams now that the truth is out in the open!

The two photos out now show a very different reality but they too are unfortunately fakes. Paper Mag has said this too. It says that they were not photoshopped much. One of them shows a big fat ass that has stretch marks while the other one shows a small one that has uneven butt cheeks. How does that #Breaktheinternet?

When you can have two of these overdone and underdone pics then what is the real condition of Kim’s so-called beautiful and smart ass? Your guess is as good as mine. But we digress!

Actually the editors at Paper Mag have admitted that one of the shots was photoshopped but they reiterate that it was only one of them and did not comprise all the pics. And believe it or not but the one that got digitally altered was the one dealing with the naughty Champagne Incident.

But wasn’t that one rather obvious. Can a lady actually hold a shaken and uncorked champagne bottle in her hand and have its fizzy long shot reach in an arc over her body and enter a wine goblet resting on her butt behind her.

That would be next to impossible! So yes that image did get changed to depict a more manicured and magical reality. But according to the latest scoop the two supposedly untouched photos are fakes. Thus the whole issue remains a mystery since we don’t know which one of the many pics is Kim’s and which one is of an airbrushed Kim’s. 

Sources: TMZ , Yahoo! Celebrity 

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