Microsoft takes over the Operations of Acompli

Microsoft takes over the Operations of Acompli


Microsoft has taken over the operations of Acompli and will be conducting the workings of the mobile platform from now onwards.

Microsoft has gained acquisition of Acompli and both the staff and hardware will now be under control of the company. About a year and a half ago, Acompli decided to make mobile email a functional and better experience.

That vision is being taken forward by Microsoft. And Microsoft is lending its expertise and technology in a bid to make the mobile email platform a viable and virtual enterprise. Many people across the globe will gain access to this smart technology thanks to Microsoft’s acquisition of Acompli.

Acompli began operations under the tutelage of Heavybit some time ago. With the help of many people the exciting venture picked up speed and before you could say “hey” it was off the ground and on silent wings.

Many mobile users from around the world offered their thanks to Acompli for lending them the best in the way of a mobile email experience. Then a day came when talks began in earnest with Microsoft regarding whether the two firms ought to join hands in traveling towards a distant goal. The result was a merger.

The next couple of months will be an acid test for Acompli as it employs Microsoft’s methods and materials in a last ditch stand to build itself from the ground up. The basic plan remains pretty much the same but the rest of the supplementation remains courtesy of Microsoft.

Acompli’s main job is making mobile email apps for iOS and Android. Now, with a little help from Microsoft, Acompli will be very beneficial to people with mobile email facilities. It is important that ordinary consumers be lent the capability to use email in a wonderful and awesome manner.

Since half of the emails in the Global Village are conducted on mobile technology, this aspect of the computer revolution game is of prime importance. Inbox messages, attachments and files all matter more than you might think.

The frisson of freedom and freshness is there alright with this new technology in the making. It will surely revolutionize the whole genre and from now on most of the business and career correspondence will take place on smart phones.

That day is not far off when the same stuff will be occurring on wearable technology. Then things will have come to a denouement in technology for the next stage after that is one of bionics. 

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