Facebook declines in Popularity among Teens a little more this year

Facebook declines in Popularity among Teens a little more this year

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  • According to a consensus, the popularity percentage fell to 88 percent this year.
  • The teens termed their reasons for not using Facebook as boring and unworthiness.

The social interaction is losing its popularity due to messaging apps available including Whatsapp and Snapchat.

A report issued by Frank N. Magid Associates Inc. signified an increase in the decline in the popularity percentage for Facebook to 88 percent for teenaged users. The decline has progressed from 95 percent from 2012 to 94 percent in 2013.

The declining figures are a warning for the owners of the most popular social interaction site in the world. The world was certainly changed with Facebook as social interaction was given new meanings but something can only last for too long and not die.

Since the past two to three years, social interaction sites and apps especially with sites like Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest gaining grounds in popularity, Facebook has been losing its own.

Teenage users have gradually stopped using the site overtime due to lack of interest. 40% users blamed their lack of use on the untrustworthiness of the sight while 30% of those users shared that opinion about Pinterest as well.

Another reason is the lack of updating on the site which teenage users find ‘boring’. In comparison, most of the users now are over 37 years of age.

Facebook has kept the declining trend somewhat of a secret to keep their investors and the advertising avenue has flourished dramatically but it is gradually losing the target users pool.

Mark Zuckerberg has initiated a Facebook Messenger service which is still not new because Whatsapp has already pioneered the format.

Zuckerberg however has acquired rights for Whatsapp and SnapChat so although Facebook is losing its users, the company is still benefiting from the messaging apps.

It could take a while for Facebook to loose its vast usage gradually but it is on the road to it. Unless Mark comes up with a whole renovation for the site or close it before it’s too late.

Source: Businessweek via The Verge

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