The Interview Online Sales top $15 Million

The Interview Online Sales top $15 Million

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  • The Interview has made over $15 million in online sales and $1 million via theatrical release.

The Interview was released across the country on small and independent theater screens. It was also made available on half the price on Google, YouTube and Microsoft outlets. The film anticipated to make $40 million but settled after the cyber attack on the company.

The Interview is the movie that seems to be the root cause of all the hacking problems that Sony is facing currently. Sony Pictures has struggled beyond belief to keep it’s company up and running with its dignity intact and retain its imperative release of The Interview.

At one point when Guardians of Peace, the hacker group, threatened to release the emails, communications and finance records of the company, it seemed that they had SPE backed in a corner.

All the big distributors had backed out of releasing the movie on Christmas for security reasons and at one point SPE announced that they might not be releasing the movie at all. That’s when the Government and President Obama stepped in to safeguard the rights of the company on American soil.

They called this cyber attack an invasion on the country’s cyber security which would be avenged in their own manner. They also rebuked the SPE for giving in so easily to the cyber criminals and the company gathered its courage and set on a course to release the movie after all.

The local and independent theatres decided after all to release the movie on Christmas. The Sony Pictures president of worldwide distribution, Rory Bruer said that it was amazing how they had managed to actually pull off the release. The 30 theatres released the film locally. 

The big success was the VOD release of the movie online. Microsoft, Google and YouTube collaborated with SPE and offered to release the movie on their video outlets for download, streaming and HD viewing.

Within 24 hours of the release the movie was downloaded for 2 million times. The BitTorrent also offered its bundle package for the movie which led to sharing the movie worldwide. What came of this online release?

The Interview has become the most successful online releases for the company. It has earned over a million dollars through theatrical release while $15 million through online release for the company and the numbers just keep growing.

Although the company anticipated a $40 million earning on opening weekend, there was a point when the movie was anticipated to shut down completely.

It can be said that all the negative publicity has actually helped the movie go viral. The Interview has been downloaded, pre-ordered and watched by millions of viewers who are sharing the movie as well. 

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