Whirlpool’s new dryer wows CES 2015 crowd

Whirlpool’s new dryer wows CES 2015 crowd

Photo Credit: Whirlpool

HybridCare Heat Pump Dryer wins Innovations Awards

There are thousands upon thousands of people who have descended upon Las Vegas this week for the International Consumer Electronics Show. Of the thousands of companies that are exhibiting at CES 2015 this week, Whirlpool is certainly one who should be walking around with smiles on their faces. The company showcased its new HybridCare Heat Pump dryer to the CES 2015 crowd and the response was a very good one. It was one that was so good that the Consumer Electronics Association awarded the HybridCare Heat Pump dryer with its CES 2015 Best Innovation is the SmartHome category. The product was also honored with innovations awards for sustainable technologies and for eco-design.

The Hybrid Heat Pump Dryer is one that uses technology that allows for the dryer to regenerate energy while the dryer is in motion. It is also built with specific sensors that allows for the efficient operation of the dryer. This will help with consumers in saving on electricity bills in upwards of 75 percent according to Whirlpool engineers. The HybridCare Heat Pump Dryer also has an Eco Dry setting that allows for clothes to be dried in a reasonable amount of time and still not have to use more energy. The dryer also comes with a ventless design which means that the HybridCare Heat Pump Dryer will be able to fit in just about any space where a dryer can be hooked up.

The International Consumer Electronics Show 2015 is taking place at various venues all throughout Las Vegas until Friday, January 9th. Whirlpool and the HybridCare Heat Pump Dryer can be seen at CES 2015 at the Sands Expo Center in the Family Tech Zone area. The booth number for the company and their displays will be at #73937. Whirlpool has also announced that they will have live updates through social media and they also have a specific website for their company and the happenings that are taking place at CES 2015.

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