Shailene Woodley returns in Fighting Form in Divergent Sequel Insurgent

Shailene Woodley returns in Fighting Form Divergent Sequel Insurgent

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The sequel to Divergent is titled Insurgent and its premiere took place recently. As for Shailene Woodley, the sequel had her returning in full fighting form as the tense teen Tris Prior.

Shailene Woodley is going to reprise her role as the riled-up adolescent with a chip on her shoulder in the sequel to Divergent. Insurgent has her back in her usual self as Tris Prior.

However, in the sequel she will have to have the hide of a rhinoceros since Jeanine (played by the voluptuous Kate Winslet of Titanic fame) will be a harsh taskmaster. Jeanine will pass some heavy-handed orders to Tris thereby raising her blood pressure and temperature by a few notches.

The sort of twisted and sick society that is shown in the sequel is one that is dystopian to an Orwellian extent. The dwellers of the dark world of that day and time fight like crazy against their unfair rulers and it is a fight to the finish.

Woodley sat down for an interview t with ScreenRant regarding her plans for the sequel not to mention another project she has in mind. That would be the Spider-Man Reboot with her playing Mary Jane in it. 

Woodley said in the interview that she played a highly strong yet equally vulnerable character in the sequel. She spoke of how getting physical and beating the devil out of each other was normal fare in the movie.

Some special effects such as CGI got employed in the sequences too. She also mentioned that some of the stuff that got filmed was pretty lame yet when it showed up on the celluloid medium things just sort of dovetailed.

The sequel is so much different a deal than the original movie. The sets are bigger too. And Insurgent has an ending that is satisfying to the limit too. It will not leave a bitter aftertaste.

As for the Spider-Man Reboot, it is something that Woodley looks forward to with excitement and passion. Woodley had hinted that the sequel is wider, weirder and wiser than the prototype film.

At the premiere of the sequel, Woodley and her costar Theo James were glued together. James naughtily said that his real life was more shocking than his reel life. Some of the things he had never confessed to are really not worth confessing.

Both Shailene and Theo were dressed in black, she in a plunging neckline dress and he in a suit and tie. The fans just went stark raving mad upon seeing the two in public. Theo declared that he had really enjoyed the scenes with Woodley and he couldn’t have found a better filmic partner. 

Wtach below the official trailer of Insurgent.



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