U.S. Discards North Korea’s Miniaturized Nuclear Missile Claims

U.S. Discards North Korea’s Miniaturized Nuclear Missile Claims

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The White House does not believe North Korea has the capacity to build miniature nuclear warheads in long range missiles as claimed by the KCNA.

Recently North Korean officials claimed they have successfully made nuclear warheads that are small enough to be inserted in missiles. The official Pyongyang claimed the technology to build nuclear missiles which can travel over continents has been mastered by them. Such a technology did not exist before and if North Korea’s claims are true then American mainland could be in potential danger of nuclear missiles. 

Previously North Korea had come under fire for having allegedly testing SLBM’s (submarine-launched ballistic missile) in early May. The news prompted South Korean military heads to urge North Korean officials to stop making ballistic missiles for their provocative purposes.  

According to the KCNA, the official Central news agency, a representative of the National Defense Commission declared non one could challenge North Korea’s movement to secure itself by using Nuclear weapons. 

However the United States government does not believe the claims made by the North Korean military officials. According to a White House official Patrick Ventrell the claims made by the North Korean military are baseless and the North Korean’s do not have the nuclear aptitude and ability to construct nuclear warheads so small in size they can fit on the surface of missiles. 

“Our assessment of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities has not changed. We do not think that they have that capacity,” Patrick Ventrell, a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council, said in an email to Yonhap News Agency.

Ventrell did admit the North Korean military are currently focused on the development of long range missiles such as intercontinental missiles which could threaten all the allied countries. Therefore USA is also working on improving its missile defenses and the Allied forces will be convening together soon to put a stop to North Korea’s non-compliance activities. 

“However, they are working on developing a number of long range missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, that could eventually threaten our allies and the homeland. That is why the administration is working to improve regional and homeland missile defenses and continuing to work with the other members of the six party talks to bring North Korea back into compliance with its nonproliferation commitments,” he said.

North Korea previously tested nuclear warheads in 2006, 2009 & 2013 and even succeeded in launching a satellite in 2012. Some analysts believe by 2023 North Korea will have as many as 100 nuclear bombs and it won’t be long before nuclear missiles are constructed by the North Korean military. 

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