Amazon is setting up its own delivery system in the US

Amazon is setting up its own delivery system in the US

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The company believes it can do better than well known names such as FedEx and UPS

Things have really been escalating for the online retailr giant Amazon and they dont seem to stop at anything. They have been taking things further up the advancement stages and the recent news update comes from Wall Street Journal that claims that Amazon has been on its way to testing its very own US delivery system in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The job listing describes it as the Last Mile and the system has been brought into place to compete with the well established shippers such as FedEx and UPS. Though we have been hearing these names in the package carrier industry since almost forever, yet they have not been performing like an average daily customer would expect and according to Amazon these carriers are increasing costs and are not always meeting the capacity and are “impeding innovation in delivery services.” This clearly shows that Amazon beleives that it can outperform these two well known names and can certainly provide a better shipment experience.

It can be said that Amazon is playing it safe and there isnt much risk invloved because the company has been familiar with this platform and it has already been testing the delivery service in UK and even invested in a local parcel service. And since they talked about innovation, we are sure that they are on their way to offering some more service features which current package carriers dont.

source: wsj

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