AMD’s new Carrizo APU Offers Twice the Gaming Performance

AMD’s new Carrizo APU Offer Twice the Gaming Performance


AMD Carrizo offers twice the gaming performance and aims to improve the battery life

Today at the Computex 2015 in Taiwan, AMD announced its sixth generation of A series processors, which will offer twice the gaming performance of what users were getting in previous generation chips. The new chips come with 12 cores with 4 CPU and 8 GPU, which means that they are going to handle almost everything. Adding 8 GPU cores means that AMD is seriously thinking of bringing some serious graphics to the system.

The newly announced APU’s, also known as Carrizo, comes with dual graphics technology, which can provide the same power as of any high end GPU and the new hardware encoding technology will provide lag free gaming and smooth streaming. Apart from Graphics, the major improvements that were made by AMD in the newly announced APUs is the power efficiency.

Just like AMD promises that the sixth generation of their APUs will perform twice as fast as compared to their predecessors, similarly the new chip will last twice as long as their predecessors. This means that the batteries will last nearly 6 to 7 hours. So overall the new APUs from AMD performs double graphics performance and power efficiency when compared with its predecessors. Something similar that Intel claims that their fifth Gen of the core processors with the Iris Pro GPU will do.

Its going to be a tough battle between these two and it would be interesting to see if the market leader do good this year or the company that did well relatively last year and impressed the users with its performance continue doing so.

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