American Sniper beats Mockingjay to become The Highest Grossing Movie Of 2014

American Sniper beats Mockingjay to become The Highest Grossing Movie Of 2014

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Many people thought The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1 was going to be the highest grossing movie of the past year but now American Sniper has come up as the biggest winner of 2014.

American Sniper has shot down Mockingjay from the first spot. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 movie was previously the highest grossing movie of 2014 with $336 million. Now Clint Eastwood’s movie has taken the top spot. So now we know Clint is the real deal. He can still act at this old age and he can still come up with highest grossing movies of the year.

So as of the past weekend, the American Sniper movie has earned $337.2 million. American Sniper did pretty well in its opening weeks. The movie stayed on the number one position for three whole weekends in January and it managed to shatter many box office records.

There was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend which meant people were going to go out to watch movies and then there was the Super Bowl weekend. The movie which was highly regarded as controversial, has managed to earn $500.2 million worldwide.

Neil Blomkamp’s Chappie retained the first position this week after its release. It earned a modest $13.3 million. Previously the movie Focus was on top which starred Will Smith. Neil Blomkamp’s previous movies were a big hit. His movie Elysium earned $29.8 million on its opening weekend and the District 9 movie earned a whopping $37.4 million.

Some believe the movie will only be a big earner only when a movie comes out and it hits the audience in a very personal way. Only those movies manage to become hits amongst the audience and American Sniper managed to do just.

No one expected this movie to do so well. Jeff Goldstein said that the fact that we’ve had this remarkable success affirms that no one knows anything about our business. He said that even they get surprised and shocked and sometimes you can’t just foresee a movie’s success.


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