Android Robot Pisses on Apple Logo on Google Maps

Android Robot Pisses on Apple Logo on Google Maps

This is no April Fools’ joke. This is real. There is a graphic of the Android robot peeing on an Apple Logo near the town of Rawalpindi in Pakistan.

Just as the Apple Watch launches an offending graphic for Apple fans has been spotted on Google Maps. Near the Pakistani town Rawalpindi a giant Android Robot is pissing on a small Apple logo. Google QA failed apparently big time here or the company deliberately is letting this go on. Is this a forgotten April Fool’s joke?

Update: Google has removed the Peeing Android Robot.

The Apple dissing graphic has been reported first about by Team Android. The graphic is still there in plain sight when viewing the area near Rawalpindi. The graphic is not a representation of something that exists for real in Pakistan. In satellite view the Peeing Android robot is gone.

The question is if Google officially knowns about this or if is this an act of Apple shaming from a single individual working on maps? Why is the offending, albeit not very mature image located in Pakistan? It would have been funnier to place it in Cupertino. 

Android Peeing

The story broke today. It will be interesting to see how long it will take Google to remove it.

The rivalry between Android and Apple users is still strong, but graphics like that are not really taking things to the next level. We found Samsung’s parody ads from a couple of years ago extremely funny and very stingy.



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