Apple is not in the Business of Winging It

Apple is not in the Business of Winging It

Report about Apple’s secret health and fitness lab is another clear example for Apple’s secret to success.

Apple’s PR team landed another major coup last week with an ABC report about the secret Health and Fitness Lab for the Apple Watch. While critics will do away with the report as a PR stunt, in our opinion it visualizes the secret to Apple’s success. Apple collected 18,000 hours of health and fitness data and not just a simple heart rate over the past two years. The multi-million health and fitness lab uses state of the art gadgetry to measure all aspects of the body.

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Which other company has collected that much data to optimize their fitness tracker products? We don’t have any information if any data collection has been done by Apple’s competitors. In many cases companies just buy the sensors and algorithms to measure calories burned and hope for the best.

Apple now sits on very valuable data that is going to shape future versions of the Apple Watch. Apple’s SVP of Operations Jeff Williams could not contain his smiling while talking about what Apple learned from the data they gathered. He said: “We are learning so much, it’s crazy.”

Apple can afford to throw a ton of money on any aspect of their products. Despite their size and success they still manage to stay creative in how they do things. We will find out how accurate the Apple fitness tracking is when the Apple Watch gets compared to Fitbit and the others. My bet is that Apple will come out on top, rectifying the high entry price of $349, but hey, the Apple Watch is also a remote control.


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