Apple technology tops in hospitals

Apple technology tops in hospitals

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Apple HealthKit highly favored

In a recent study and poll that was completed by Reuters, it has been shown that hospitals are starting to show a positive reaction to Appleā€™s new healthcare technology. Retuers polled and contacted 23 hospitals who were currently using the Apple HealthKit technology and 14 of them are saying that they use them exclusively and that they have very positive reviews of the pilot program that Apple is instituting. Google and Samsung have similar programs but they have not really been released on a wide basis. This new information certainly shows that Apple is in the lead in this field and could be in the future.

The Apple HealthKit program is one that helps doctors and physicians to be able to monitor patients history and better keep control of certain diseases and debilitations such as heart disease and diabetes. The program is aimed at letting doctors to see early signs of diseases and finding out the proper route of being able to treat such ailments. It certainly helps healthcare facilities to stop repeat visits for which they can be penalized and fined by the United States government. It will also help with keeping healthcare costs low thus saving everyone money in the end.

The Apple HealthKit is able to get information and data from different thermometers and glucose measuring tools and then use apps and WiFi technology which can help the patient. This certainly comes as good news with the pending release of the Apple Watch set for April. The Apple Watch is said to be armed with heart rate monitors and pace monitors and there will be apps that will coincide with them and store that information. The Apple HealthKit is certainly showing the innovative outlook that Apple is having towards health and now with it possibly being compatible with the Apple Watch, the future of health for people is certainly looking to be brighter.

Source: Reuters

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