Photo Credit: WWE
Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared in Monday Night WWE RAW joining Hulk. There is even some fight action as The Miz calls Schwarzenegger out. Watch the video below.
Arnold Schwarzenegger had a big night yesterday on Monday Night RAW, promoting his new movie Sabotage in theaters on March 28. Arnold Schwarzenegger got in the ring with Hulk Hogan and Joe Manganiello. After some chit-chat, The Miz started trouble in the ring. Manganiello and Schwarzenegger actually got into a little fight with him and Hulk threw him out of the ring.
You can watch the segment of Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday Night RAW below. Wrestling fans just have to wait another two weeks until WrestleMania.
Watch also below a trailer to the new Schwarzenegger movie Sabotage. In the movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger leads an elite DEA task force that takes on the world’s deadliest drug cartels. When the team successfully executes a raid on a cartel safe house, they think their work is done, until, one-by-one, the team members start to be eliminated.
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@Schwarzenegger and @JoeManganiello team up with @HulkHogan to lay the smackdown on @WWE Raw. Check it out! t.co/Ha0D2uyeZj
— muscle_fitness 1 year 8 weeks ago.
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