Swimsuits For All
Ashley Graham shows off her dangerous curves and sensuous body in a historic plus-sized ad that made many stand up and take notice.
Ashley Graham looked ready to literally burst out of her bra and panties like a ripe grape from its skin in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit ad that has caught everyone’s attention. It is indeed a flimsy bikini she sports in the #curvesinbikinis ad.
And she looks good enough to eat with your hungry eyes. Those sloping and sliding curves and bends simply send the male imagination into paroxysms of pleasure. Everything from fiery fantasies to fun-filled frolics get lodged within the subterranean pipelines of the manly brain upon gazing with infinite desire at the very very sexy body of Ashley Graham.
Titled “Swimsuits For All” the plus-sized ad shows Ashley in a black three piece ensemble and she flaunts her figure openly while a man in a coat and tie can be seen jumping excitedly into the pool behind her. All the while he is looking at her with awe and wonder. Seldom has a luscious ripe hourglass torso been seen undulating in the very midst of the sunshine.
The lady definitely rocks! Ashley Graham is a big fighter for the “Embrace your Size” movement. She wants women everywhere to be comfortable in the skin they are in. No restrictive diets or anorexic models will do for Ashley.
She confesses that as a child she was lagging behind in sports and her parents were worried about her. But later on she took to modelling like a fish to water. And she has never looked back. Many people tell her to lose weight but she is happy with her body since she has accepted herself just the way she is.
Ashley Graham works out and eats good and healthy food and that is just about all that matters.
Ashley is the first plus-sized model in her weight category that has adorned the pages of Sports Illustrated. Before her, while SI did experiment with bolder and bigger girls, it still had never displayed a Marilyn-like lady among its contents. But with the Greek goddess-framed Ashley in the ad, things have definitely changed for the better.
Society needs to take a long and hard look at itself in the mirror and radically accept itself rather then spent all those billions of dollars on the diet industry which is a fraud and a bogus means of temporary weight reduction.
Watch Ashley Graham’s Dangerous Curves in Historic Plus-Sized Ad.
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