AT&T will Follow Net Neutrality Rules Under DirecTV Deal

AT&T will Follow Net Neutrality Rules Under DirecTV Deal

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  • Novel Net Neutrality Laws to be Followed by AT&T under the Canopy of the DirecTV Deal

Some of the novel Net neutrality laws that have been legislated are to be followed to the letter by AT&T under the canopy of the DirecTV deal that will get sealed soon.

Within a month or so, the feds will be giving the green signal to the $49 billion acquisition of DirecTV by AT&T. AT&T will be on the defensive though and will hopefully provide valid reasons behind its buying out of DirecTV. The satisfaction of consumers is paramount and if anything bugs them then the deal will have obstacles flung in its otherwise smooth path. 

Some of the stuff that needs to be handled with kid gloves is fairly straightforward. AT&T is ready to accept the Net neutrality rules and regulations that have been instituted by the FCC, according to Washington Post.

The whole arrangement got started at the beginning of this year. And while AT&T is against the new Net neutrality laws, it is abiding by the old ones that were in place before this new sensation of justice arrived on the scene. However, in order to fulfill its own needs by hook or by crook, the execs at AT&T are open to negotiations. 

Were AT&T to follow the guidelines in a blindfolded manner, it would not slow down sites nor block them for any reason. And furthermore it would not speed up the content of sites by accepting fat sums from online operators via a sneaky practice known as paid prioritization. AT&T is clearly in somewhat of a fix. It would have to comply with the base rules of the contract at least till the date when it expires. 

The AT&T-DirecTV deal will be a fact whether others like it or not. But some controversial details will need ironing out before everything enters the final stages of “signed, sealed, delivered”. The seemingly irresolvable issues of interconnection, standalone broadband and data caps as well as exemptions remain as the proverbial elephant in the room. 


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