Bruce Jenner Considered Suicide

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The Olympian thought about committing suicide after the public found out about one of his surgeries.

There is still so much to talk about following the airing of Bruce Jenner’s 20/20 interview. The Olympian said that, following his Adam’s apple surgery, he contemplated committing suicide.

Many members of the paparazzi, who follow Bruce and his family’s daily movements, actually caught him leaving a doctor’s appointment where he had his trachea shaved down. No one is quite sure who the leak was that told the paparazzi, but they received calls and were near the doctor’s office in an instant. The night that the news broke, Bruce was devastated.

“That night, I thought, ‘It’s over.’ I was walking up and down this hall back and forth all night long. Heart pounding,” Jenner, 65, told Diane Sawyer. “I thought, ‘Wouldn’t the easiest thing to do right now is go in the other room, get a gun. Pain is over. Done. Go to a better place.'” In an ironic twist, there was a Keeping Up with the Kardashians episode where Kris pleaded with Bruce to not get a gun – perhaps because she already knew about his internal struggles and worried for his safety.

However, Bruce then said he thought better of it. He added: “I thought, ‘I can’t do something like that. I want to know how this story ends.'”

Jenner’s story will serve as a testament to his internal strength and determination to see his transition through until the end. Every year, many transgendered men and women take their own lives because they cannot handle the stress or shame that they feel.

Jenner wants to be seen as that type of hero, after having been a hero for other reasons.

“So to everyone watching, if you could say to them, ‘When you think of me, please be…'” Sawyer asked him at the end of the interview on Friday night.

“Open minded,” he said. “Have an open mind and an open heart. I’m not this bad person, I’m just doing what I have to do.”

Please note that Bruce has asked to be referred to as “Bruce” and “he/him” until he announces a new name. Once that name is announced, then the feminine pronouns will be appropriate. Every transgendered person is different, and that is a topic of conversation to have individually.


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