Christina Milian gets her Nipples Pierced on Christina Milian Turned Up

Christina Milian gets her Nipples Pierced on Christina Milian Turned Up

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Christina was inspired by her mother getting a tattoo on her birthday and thought she should treat herself by getting her nipples pierced

What do you get her mama for her birthday? Flowers, a vacation, throw her a party, gift her some expensive jewelry. Christian Milian thought about throwing her mother a party and it was disco themed. Her friend came all dressed up for the party. Christina however had other plans.

Before they could actually head to the party, Christina took the group to a tattoo parlor where she convinced her mother to get a tattoo.

The divorced Carmen Milian said she had talked about getting a tattoo but never thought she would actually get one. Christina’s argument was evidently that you have not lived until you get a tattoo. It was Christina that won and her mom got inked above her hand. 

So while mommy dearest was getting inked, Christina had a look around and saw the piercing studs on display. Inspired by her mother’s bravery, she decided to do something too. Christian Milian didn’t settle for a tattoo. She up’ed the scale and got her nipples pierced.

While she lay on the table, waiting for it to happen, her friends recorded the whole thing on phone and the video clip was shown on E!’s Christina Milian Turned Up. Christina said a loud “Ow!” and one could see the hurt she went to when her nipple was pierced.

Commenting later on, Christian Milian compared her experience to childbirth back in 2010. She said however that childbirth was 19 hours long whereas the piercing lasted for only 2 seconds and that can be counted as a positive. She said on she was in pain as she pulled back her metallic dress over her recently traumatized breast. She told her friend not to touch her as she was in pain.

She doesn’t regret it however and is sticking with her newest accessory. Carmen was also surprised with Christian Milian’s daughters daring and both the mother-daughter have a story to tell on Carmen’s birthday and a tattoo and piercing to show for it. 

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