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- Six-time MLB All-Star and three-time World Series champion pitcher Curt Schilling has fought back after two Internet trolls attacked his daughter, Gabby, on Twitter.
Six-time MLB All-Star and three-time World Series champion pitcher Curt Schilling has fought back after two Internet trolls attacked his daughter, Gabby, on Twitter.
Curt Schilling is a dad who will always defend his family.
Schilling, a three-time World Series champion pitcher and current ESPN baseball analyst, defended his daughter Gabby after two Internet trolls attacked her on Twitter. It all started when he tweeted,”Congrats to Gabby Schilling who will pitch for the Salve Regina Seahawks next year!!” on Feb. 25.
Schilling posted the tweet on his March 1 blog on WordPress. It has since been deleted from his official Twitter account (gehrig38).
He then wrote on his blog on Monday he expected people on Twitter to respond to his tweet about Gabby. He wrote,”What that tweet I expected a response. Some congrats for sure, but absolutely the smart ass college kid and likely many of them from RS to reply. And I was not disappointed.”
Schilling was furious to see a tweet from a user named primetime227. He tweeted,” @gehrig38 how far is Salve Regina from jersey? I wanna come and play but Gabby wants me to c– and stay.”
Adam Nagel is one sexy guy. pic.twitter.com/CWGSdvyxWQ— Dennis and Callahan (@DandCShow) March 2, 2015
To which the six-time MLB All-Star responded as any father would (via 38pitches.wordpress.com): “I was also going to mention that there is little in life I’d ever go to jail for, but my daughter is one. Another nod to that father/daughter bond…”
Schilling would go on to post the exchange of tweets between primetime227 and another Twitter user named Nagels_Bagels on his WordPress blog:
primetime227: “*fraternity. You don’t call your country a c–t…And I’m respectful, I’ll prob text her the next morning.”
Nagels_Bagels: “curt bleeds more from his sock than gabby does from her p—y when she’s on her period.”
primetime227: “Curt rocked the mullet-business in front, party in back…Gabby prefers the party in back. #BallStuff2015”
Nagels_Bagels: “throw me a meatball curt so I can take it deep in your daughter”
primetime227: “he doesn’t like answering. Might have to slide back in Gabs DMs like last week”
Nagels_Bagels: “I heard Pedro has been eating her out. That explains why he has long strands of p—y hair on his head.”
primetime227: “I’m sure she could fit a nice Easton in there as well for some DP”
Nagels_Bagels: “teach me your knuckle ball technique so I can shove my f–t in your daughter.”
In his WordPress blog, Schilling goes on to identify the culprits as a disc jockey named Adam Nagel (Nagels_Bagels) of Brookdale Student Radio at Brookdale Community College who’s on air for an hour weekly. Schilling writes,”You don’t think this isn’t going to be a nice compilation that will show up every single time this idiot is googled the rest of his life?”
Schilling then says primetime227 is the vice president of the Theta Xi fraternity at Montclair State University in New Jersey.
Schilling wrote on his WordPress blog that his daughter came to him “beyond upset” over personal messages which he “can’t repeat” because he’s “getting beyond angry thinking about it.” He then commends Gabby’s boyfriend, a hockey player, who “understands the potential consequences of his actions and knows the time and place will hopefully come when he can make it right on his own terms.”
Here is the face of @primetime227, Sean MacDonald. pic.twitter.com/5t57fuU6sW— Dennis and Callahan (@DandCShow) March 2, 2015
Schilling then writes about the trolls’ failure to realize the consequences of what they did:
“This is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We’re at a point now where you better be sure who you’re going after.
“If I was a deranged protective dad I could have been face to face with any of these people in less than 4 hours. I know every one of their names, their parents, where they go to school, what they do, what team they are on, their positions, stats, all of it. I had to do almost nothing to get ANY of that information because it is all public.
“What these kids are failing to realize, what this generation fails to realize is this: Everything they’ve just said and done? That is out there now, forever. It can, and in some cases will, follow them for the rest of their lives.
“I want to date your daughter, I want to take your daughter to prom, I want ot hit on your daughter etc. those? Those are guys being dopes and saying what guys say. This stuff? This is so far off the radar it’s pathetic.
“The ignorance and pathetic lack of morals or of any integrity is astounding.”
Schilling ends his blog by saying he will not allow other people to talk about his daughter and even other women the way the two Internet trolls did. He then tells Gabby that “I love you more than life itself and there is NOTHING I would not do to protect you.”
@gehrig38 don’t know what i would do without you, i love you so much!!— Gabby Schilling (@GabbyS_chilling) March 2, 2015
Without mentioning Nagel’s name, Brookdale Community College issued a statement on its official Facebook page saying he has been suspended and is due to attend a conduct hearing:
“Students and community members have rightfully expressed concerns regarding recent social media comments made by a Brookdale student.
“The Twitter comments posted by this student are unacceptable and clearly violate the standards of conduct that are expected of all Brookdale students.
“The student has been summarily suspended and will be scheduled for a conduct hearing where further disciplinary action will be taken. The Brookdale Police are actively investigating the matter. Brookdale takes this behavior very seriously and does not tolerate any form of harrassment.
“Our sincerest apologies to Gabby Schilling. Her achievement should be celebrated and not clouded by offensive comments.”
On the other hand, NJ.com’s Erin O’Neill confirmed primetime227 is Sean MacDonald, a part-time ticket seller for the New York Yankees and a graduate of Montclair State University’s Theta Xi fraternity.
Jason Zillo, Yankees director of communications, told O’Neill that the team has terminated MacDonald after just 18 hours on the job. He said,”We have zero tolerance for anything like this. We’ve terminated him.”
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