Demi Lovato feels Stupid after taking Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

Demi Lovato feels Stupid after taking Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

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Demi Lovato admitted that she tried the drew on lips look to make her lips more like Kylie Jenner’s but failed because she couldn’t carry out the look.

Kylie Jenner lips have been a source of lot of awe, inspiration and criticism. One of the fans of her pouty lips happens to be the Heart Attack singer, Demi Lovato. The pop star admitted that she went home and tried to make her lips more pouty by drawing them on.

The look unfortunately didn’t work for Demi. She called it a failure to attempt the look. 

“Oh my God, I totally have,” Demi said, according to Mirror. “I look stupid.”

She defended Kylie on her look though. Lately, she has faced a lot of criticism even by Scott Disick and Kylie’s sister Kendall. Scott ridiculed that Kylie takes 40 minutes just to do her lips doing one lip at a time. 

Scott wouldn’t appreciate that Kylie’s lips are an inspiration to a lot of girls out there. Kylie embodies a stand to encourage girls to experiment with their looks. She doesn’t ask anyone to try and look like her but experiment with their own look.

There’s a whole world of girls out there who are trying to get the Kylie pout, only bigger and better so Kylie started a trend on Twitter #kyliejennerchallenge where followers could post their pics when they try the pout. Most of them tried the suck the air out of glass method an posted it under #kyliejennerchallenge.

To say that the results turned out to be less then desirable /4/be an understatement. Other than a very few successful attempts, The trend page features very distorted before and after images of girls with horribly puffed up and swollen lips.

Kylie knows what she does when she does her pout. To try and copy her is a stupid thing to do according to criticizers. Most people are blaming Kylie for starting such a trend which has resulted in so many girls hurting and disfiguring themselves. Demi however thinks that Kylie shouldn’t be blamed for looking gorgeous in a thing she feels comfortable and looks beautiful in. 


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