Denise Welch To Hit The Screens Again in Inspector George Gently

Denise Welch To Hit The Screens Again in Inspector George Gently

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Denise Welch To Hit The Screens Again in Inspector George Gently

Denise Welch has for a long time maintained a low profile especially after quitting from Loose Women. Fortunately, the actress has secured a new job in a new drama series that will be aired by BBC, dubbed Inspector George Gently.

According toBestdaily, The release of the drama has been scheduled for 2015. Welch will pose as a brothel madam in the first episode. The drama will actually will be four-parter. Martin Shaw will star in the series as Gently.

Shaw will be deployed to find out the people who were involved in a sexual assault to one of the prostitutes who operate from the brothel.

The first episode is titled Do Not Go Gently and it features other renowned artists such as Emily Woof who is famous for starring in The full Monty and Derek Ridell who starred in No Angels. Welch is among the actors and actresses who have paid tribute to Lynda Bellingham after she passed away on Sunday.

Welch and Bellingham used to work in the same set in Loose Women. Bellingham passed on after battling for a long time with cancer of the colon.

Prior to her death, the actress had been undergoing chemo sessions to keep the deadly virus at bay. However, she recently decided to terminate the sessions altogether for the sake of her beloved husband and kids. Bellingham had actually authored a book that is based on her experience with cancer.

In her tribute, Welch said that she and other people from ITV had paid her a visit recently in her home and she seemed excited to see them and so she did not imagine that her end time would be so near. In the mean time, Welch’s partner, Lincoln Towney has exhibited paintings of himself at a popular hotel in London.

The images are painted on wet canvas and they reflect on the lifestyle of Lincoln as an alcoholic. The artist has now been reformed becauseManchesterevening has reported that he has not touched a bottle for the last three years. Lincoln and welch has been living together for over one year now.

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