Disney Launches Wearable Toys that Play Back with You

Disney Launches Wearable Toys that Play Back with You

Disney Playmation

  • Disney Playmation Marvel’s Avengers Toys are Coming This Fall
  • Star Wars Toys Coming in 2016
  • Frozen Toys are Under Development

Disney Playmation is a new play system that consists of wearable connected toys and a whole lot more. Disney announced “Playmation” on Tuesday which “is the next step in the evolution of play, where digital gets physical and imagination becomes real.” Disney Playmation is the latest “in” thing among sophisticated kids’ toys.

Disney is looking up and going places as far as its catering-to-kids department is concerned. Its latest series of Playmation toys are of the connected variety that can operate in remote control fashion and include Star Wars and the Avengers action figures.

Children can manipulate and play with these high tech toys to their hearts’ content. No link with the toy is necessary as it can be handled via wearable devices. The Walt Disney Company announced its new play system called “Playmation” on Tuesday (via TechCrunch). 

Among the initial products in these fabulous toys are Avengers Starter Packs. These will arrive in October of this year. An Iron Man Repulsor will be included in the kit. Kids /4/wear this on the wrist or arm like an ordinary watch-cum-bracelet.

Besides this there are two Power Activators and two Smart Figures (Captain America and Iron Skull to be exact). The moment a tyke straps on the Repulsor device, JARVIS will bark instructions which will allow the scenario to unfold. 

At its origins, Playmation toys contains very sophisticated technology that lets the wearer transfer his or her actions and gestures to the toys that are placed at a distance. These signals can be relayed to other players who are in on the game too.

Thus this makes for an exciting situation of interactivity and multiple input. Kids can sprint, hop and delve deep into the world of interactive toys. It is truly a case of technology invading every sphere of our lives. And even the grown-ups can join in.  

The whole scheme is similar to a residential game of laser tag but it is far more complicated. This amenity is called bringing toys to life and it will change the kids’ lives for the better. At least, they won’t be sitting in one place and looking at a scintillating screen anymore. The interactive nature of the technology ensures that kids get plenty of exercise alongside the element of fun. 

Marvel’s Avengers kit will sell in the marketplace for $120 per pack. And the Star Wars and Frozen sets will come on the scene a year and two years later respectively. Disney Playmation is ready to give it a go and transform the image of toys as passive consumption. And the kids and their adult counterparts are waiting with baited breath…

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