Ebola In Boston: Boston Health Officials Are Not Worried About Ebola

Ebola in Boston: Boston Health Officials are Not Worried About Ebola

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Dr. Anita Barry during a news conference on 13 October 2014, said that the state is worried about Flu and it isn’t worried about the latest Ebola disease.

The Boston doctor claims that the state doesn’t need to worry about Ebola in Boston. The main reason for that is Ebola hasn’t been reported in the state yet. She said that there are no Ebola cases in Boston till now. 

There was a patient in Braintree who was reported to be a victim of Ebola. The doctor claims that the patient has a very low risk of actually getting the disease. 

Dr. Anita said that people are fearing the disease and they are misunderstanding how the disease can actually spread. While the doctor was speaking at the press conference, it was reported that five passengers were taken off an airplane and it was reported that it was due to flu type symptoms. 

The doctor said that she was looking forward to educating people about the Ebola disease. She wants to tell the people how the disease can actually travel. 

She said that it was ridiculous as many people have started asking medical officials about people they are in contact with who have some disease. It is important to know that Ebola can only be spread to other people, if there is a direct contact with the infected person’s blood or if there is exchange of bodily fluids. 

A person might be contagious which means that they could have Ebola like symptoms. To know if you might have Ebola, you will have fever, headaches, abdominal pains and diarrhea. 

The doctor said that the people shouldn’t be worrying about Ebola at this very time. The disease they should be looking to prevent is the flu disease. Dr. Anita said that it is time that people got their flu vaccines. 

There are several types of categorizations when people have Ebola. They are categorized in High risk, Low risk and no risk categories. If you’ve used a needle stick and been exposed to the other person’s blood then you are a high risk victim.

Source: Boston.com

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