Credit: Facebook
Facebook is going to try to make more money when it cuts out the unpaid ads and replaces them with brands from which they can actually earn from.
There was a time when Facebook worried about people and did everything to make the people happy. There was a time when Facebook didn’t have any ads and that is why people started loving it. There weren’t any pop ups that would disturb us and make us feel like being used by the company.
When we saw the movie “The Social Network” we saw that Mark Zuckerberg didn’t wanted to put ads on Facebook. Instead he wanted to make it grow and wanted everyone to have Facebook. The guy that was financing his project was asking him to put ads on it but Mark Zuckerberg never did.
Instead he wanted to make it a global thing and didn’t wanted people to dislike it in the start. He wanted to have huge clients that could pay big bucks when it came to advertisements. In the start people started their own businesses and they were getting free advertisement from Facebook.
But now Facebook has a huge following and they have millions of people that have accounts on Facebook. The company has piles of money to burn and they have the highest stock price in their history. A lot of investors came into a big shock when the company said that it is looking to spend billions on schemes that might never generate revenues.
The marketers that used to use Facebook for their advertisements are now told that they would need to buy ads from Facebook in order to reach out to their customers. The social networking site is looking to change rankings of some posts that were made by marketers.
This means that only a handful of people will get notices about a big sale from the company. If there was a company that made games, then again only a little number of people would get their posts in their news feeds. Big companies that spend huge chunks of their money on Facebook, would need to turn their Facebook ads into these new ads.
A media analyst reported that the big multinational companies would need to buy ads if they want their customers to receive those big promotions. It seems like Mark Zuckerberg is coming around the idea that you need to put ads on your product to make everyone happy.
Everyone apart from the users are happy. But it doesn’t matters now as the 1.35 billion people that use it, have become dependent on it and they can’t leave it now. This is where the ads are going to come in and people are going to be exploited.
People who have invested in this company are going to make millions with this new scheme. According to a recent survey, we’ve heard people don’t like to see promotion content. Now it seems like they won’t have any choice because advertisers are going to be spending millions on these ads.
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