Credits: Incredible Edible Egg
- Bacon loves eggs.
- Bacon loves puns.
- Makes breakfast sexy.
No one knows more about eggs than Kevin Bacon, which is why he signed on to be a part of the latest Incredible Edible Egg campaign, “Wake up to Eggs with Bacon.”
Looks like Kevin Bacon’s joining the breakfast crew by appearing in the American Egg Board’s “Wake up to Eggs with Bacon” ad campaign. On March 13, the campaign launched in order to promote nutritional benefits of the Incredible Edible Egg in an updated version of the highly successful “Wake up to Eggs” promotion.
In a press release, Bacon admits it’s not just because of a “last name like Bacon” that he signed on. “I like the creativity behind the idea, and I’ve always been a big fan of eggs. They’re a nutritional powerhouse and I never get tired of them because there are so many ways you can eat them.”
Both Incredible Edible Egg and the American Egg Board are thrilled to be launching the ads since “it’s an idea really based on Kevin Bacon.”
In a behind-the-scenes video, creative directors for Grey New York, Jay Hunt and Pete Gosselin, admit to not having a backup plan because the concept worked so well. Both of the men cracked egg jokes and puns throughout, which is part of the ad campaign, too—to embrace the fun elements to being part of pun promotion.
Over the next year, The Footloose star’s famous face will be all over online video, print, digital and social media ads. And Kevin Burkum, senior vice president of marketing for the American Egg Board, admits “Kevin Bacon brings real star power to the world of eggs” yet believes “consumers are going to love this clever new version of bacon and eggs.”
Bacon and eggs are the most common imagery when it comes to breakfast, too. So the combination will probably be a hit.
In fact, the campaign just released the first video online. In the short piece, Bacon appears on a woman’s countertop just as she’s making breakfast. Sidestepping a six degrees of separation joke, he informs her that every egg contains “six grams of high quality protein and will keep you fuller longer to stay energized all morning.”
And promo timing is key.
The executive points out that right before Easter is the best time to try and revamp the image of eggs. “And, there’s no better time to talk about eggs with consumption at its highest level in three decades and Easter right around the corner.”
As of 2014, the USDA reports that per-capita egg consumption grew to 260, which is a five-year increase of more than a dozen eggs per person. The board and USDA also note that eggs are affordable when compared to other breakfast and protein sources.
As American health professionals promote higher consumption to patients, profits rise. Plus, it’s easy to scramble or fry in an egg in a hurry.
The AEB works to connect egg farmers with consumers and offer information from the sources. With 18 members and 18 alternate members appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, the group looks to openly discuss the conditions and benefits of over 75,000 egg producing hens in the United States.
Get the lowdown on our partnership with Kevin Bacon http://t.co/F0qFnkeNVQ #baconandeggs pic.twitter.com/wTOm2QF4w9— The Incredible Egg (@IncredibleEggs) March 12, 2015
And using the media force already behind the veteran actor, the AEB sees an ability to merge product recognition with brand recognition.
“Clearly, eggs are on a roll. We hope to build on this positive momentum with everyone’s favorite bacon, Kevin Bacon,” says Burkhum.
To see more nutritional information, recipes, Easter egg tips and other facts, please visit the Incredible Edible Egg official website, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.
Sources: Incredible Edible Egg, PRNewswire
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