Game of Thrones Editor Killed by a Lion in South Africa

Game of Thrones Editor Killed by a Lion in South Africa

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Visual effects editor Katherine Chappell received serious injury after the lion fatally bite her in the neck during her visit to a wildlife park

Katherine Chappell, who was one of the visual effects editors of the “Games of Thrones”, was killed by a lion in South African safari park.

According to DailyMail, on Monday afternoon, an American female tourist was attacked by a lion in the wildlife park, near Johannesburg, when she was taking the picture of the animal through the window of her vehicle. The tourist was identified as 29 year-old Katherine Chappell later on who has worked on award winning HBO series “Games of Thrones”. 

Katherine Chappell, who was on a volunteer mission to protect the wildlife in South Africa, got a serious injury after the lion fatally bite in her the neck.

Scott Simpson, the assistant operation manager at the Lion Park provided the details of the tragic incident, saying that the woman was driving through the park with a small group of people, when she opened the window and attempted to take a picture of the lion who was just less than four feet away from the vehicle. The fearsome animal jumped into the car and sunk its teeth into her neck. The tourist, which was later turned out to be Katherine Chappell, died of her wound even before the paramedics arrived.

The assistant manager said that opening windows is strictly against the policy of the park and they warn their tourists to keep the windows closed. However, Katherine reportedly did exactly contrary to the strong advice.

Katherine’s camera has been taken into the custody by the police for further investigation. The park has isolated the animal who killed Chappell but they have no plans to euthanize it. “We /4/move it to another one of our properties.” Simpson said.

On Tuesday evening, Katherine’s younger sister paid a touching tribute to her on the Facebook.

“Kate was a brilliant, kind, adventurous and high-spirited woman. Her energy and passion could not be contained by mere continents or oceans. She was very much loved and shared her love for life with those she met.”

Katherine was currently residing in Canada and has worked on several movies including “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, “Divergent” and “Godzilla” released in 2014. She recently finished “In the Heart of the Sea” which will premiere on later this year.

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