German Bundestag is Under Cyber Attack

German Bundestag is Under Cyber Attack

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Breaking News. The German Bundestag has been target of a Cyber Attack.

Hackers attacked the internal data networks of the German Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in Berlin. Security experts are currently working on the situation. Bundestag spokes person Ernst Hebeker confirmed that analysis of the attack is currently underway.

According to German news site Spiegel-Online the high profile cyber attack onto the German government was already detected a couple days ago. Apparently the hackers did not succeed breaking into the network ot access data of stored on the Bundestag computers. Government members keep highly sensitive data on those computers inside the Bundestag.

To be on the safe side, IT workers have shut down the most sensitive computer systems for a period of time. One example of highly sensitive data stored in the Bundestag are the documents about the NSA and BND scandal investigation.

The German spy agencies have also detected the attack on the Bundestag in their cyber security centers. 

At this point there is no information available about the hackers. In these time it could be anybody, NSA, the Russians as well as ISIS. 

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