Google Mobilegeddon has not Happened yet and 46% of Fortune 500 Companies Don’t Care

Google Mobilegeddon has not Happened yet and 46% of Fortune 500 Companies Don't Care

Some Webmaster started to see small SERP movements, but in general the Google-Friendly ranking update has no impact yet.

Yesterday Google started to roll out what the media calls Mobilegeddon. The Mobile-Friendly search ranking update has though not shown any real impact yet. There are some first reports from Webmaster on the west coast that have seen small SERP changes, but definitely not something that qualifies to be called Mobilegeddon.

Google did say that the roll-out will take a week. The impact is likely still on its way. In the meantime, Google announced that the fear mongering of the mobile-friendly update has pushed 4.7% more sites to upgrade to offer a mobile version. This sounds not that much, but translates likely in several hundred thousand sites that implemented mobile friendly solution over the past two months.

Google reiterates that the mobile-friendly signal is just one of over 200 signals that Google uses to evaluate the best results. Google says that non-mobile-friendly sites won’t disappear from mobile Search results, they /4/still rank high if they hold great content the user wants.

Merkle|RKG, a digital marketing agency, released a report that raises hope for smaller sites to benefit from Mobilegeddon. According to their analysis a surprising 46% of Fortune 500 and 29% of Internet Retailer Top 500 Companies have no mobile site.

And indeed, when reviewing the current Fortune 500 list, the first not mobile-friendly company website can be already found in the top 10. The Phillips66 site (rank 6) is not mobile-friendly and also Valero Energy (rank 10) did not invest in a mobile version of its corporate site yet. Two out of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies have no mobile site as of yet.

To test if a site is mobile friendly, Google offers this test to verify.


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