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The Motion Picture Association’s plan is to resuscitate SOPA via some lawmaking. Google said that the MPAA tried to revive SOPA through a State Attorney General.
The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) tried to revitalize SOPA through the long arm of the law. For this they proposed legislative action and the Attorney General, Jim Hood, was sought for his help.
In 2011, many an American got together to stymie efforts by the MPAA to pass SOPA. SOPA stands for Stop Online Privacy Act. This act would have led to a great deal of censorship on the Internet. And cyberspace is one area where anything is possible so that would have been incompatible with its very warp and weft.
Over 115,000 sites including Google rose in insurrection against this supposed act of infringement over the right to freedom of information. This protest spanned 24 hours but it led to an upswell in support for Net Privacy.
The government received millions of calls, emails and petitions. The MPAA along with a little help from half a dozen studios tried to covertly bring SOPA back to life. A new proposal to start site censorship and blocking got underway.
The MPAA also collected more than a million dollars in cold hard cash to finance this piracy preventing movement of its making. Using the pecuniary advantage, the MPAA went after Google with a vengeance.
Finally, the MPAA obtained the legal services of the Attorney General, Jim Hood, who was also a prominent supporter of SOPA. Google was informed via a letter about the whole beef that the MPAA and SOPA had with it.
Google normally does what it can to prevent problematic or controversial content from reaching its sites. But this time around the forces that want censorship are organized. The Attorney General sent a 79 page subpoena regarding the matter.
Google have redacted the name of the attorney to protect her privacy. / Credit: Google
The Attorney General denied that he was biased or prejudiced in any way. However, such seems to be the case. The fact remains though that the arts only flourish in an atmosphere of free exchange and cross-pollination unhampered by any draconian laws that state that such is such and this is this.
Even science, that most rigorous of disciplines, burgeons and finds its element where there is freedom of expression and where the constant drive to explore unexplored and unknown corners of human experience is extant.
Free expression of the artist’s abilities is vital to the Internet and were any sort of limitations exercised in this regard it would thwart the very purpose of what is the Net’s ultimate strength: its open source access to information, data and knowledge.
Source: Google
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