Gwyneth Paltrow will survive on $29 Food Stamp for 7 Days

Gwyneth Paltrow will survive on $29 Food Stamp for 7 Days

Getty Images

The rich and famous Gwyneth Paltrow is to engage in an experiment in poverty for the time span of a week. She will survive on $29 worth of food items purchased from food stamps to show what it is like to live in a state of destitution.

For the next seven days, Gwyneth Paltrow will be living on food that is the bare minimum according to SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program). This is part of an effort to feel the pain of the poor. 

Poor families surviving on the least amount of food items bought by means of food stamps have to literally tough it out. And Gwyneth wants to show the world that by just employing $29 one can live for a week on food provided one gets a little creative. 

Sting and Debbie Harry have been thrown the gauntlet too but their response is yet to come. The chef Mario Batali began the challenge to the stars and Gwyneth complied. 

Among some of the comestibles that Gwyneth bought from the measly $29 included: citrus fruit, corn on the cob, brown rice, cabbage, black beans and a carton of a dozen eggs.

This way the privileged get to walk a mile in the shoes of the underprivileged. It is a noble deed indeed and an act of empathy par excellence.  


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