Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email While Working as State Secretary

Hillary Clinton used Personal Email as State Secretary

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  • Hillary Clinton possibly violated Protocol by employing Personal Email

It appears to be the case that Hillary Clinton violated protocol by employing personal email services while she was Secretary of State. This is an offense and against the law, no matter which angle you see it from.

Hillary Clinton used an individualized email account for her daily correspondence while she was the Secretary of State. This probably goes against the state laws that dictate that all communications and internal memos be on the record for all to see.

Update: Hillary Clinton asked State to release all emails.

In fact, Hillary didn’t even have a proper email domain as part of government protocol, according to NYTimes. She lacked any overlooking agency while she was employed as Secretary of State for a time span of four years. And her underlings never took the pain to preserve records of her emails.

Only eight weeks ago, did her cronies decide to turn over 55,000 pages of email belonging to Hillary Clinton to the state department. The very knowledge of this glaring error has set alarm bells in the government circles.

It seems that such a huge blunder ought not to have been allowed to happen in the first place. The story goes that short of an emergency situation such blatant usage of email for personal purposes is a surefire crime in governmental work. It goes against the nature of the game and is something that is usually strictly banned. 

The response from Hillary’s side is to the effect that she had thought that her actions were in keeping with the rules. But of course such is just not the case. Only documents that are top secret and classified ought to be kept under wraps.

The rest of the government correspondence should have a record maintained of it so that later on it could be preserved for committees to examine. An archive is the form these emails usually end up as.

But in Hillary Clinton’s case all the back and forth volleys of emails took place beneath the nose of the government which is indeed shocking. If our largest organizations which are at the top of the hierarchy fail us where are the role models those at the bottom are supposed to imitate and emulate. It is sad. And while Hillary is not the first such person to be implicated in a breach of governmental procedures, she did go a little too far in her use of a facility for personal purposes alone.

The failure to adhere to state protocol /4/have serious consequences for Mrs. Clinton. It’s a shame since most high level officials are normally told to allow for a modicum of transparency so that nothing is hidden from public view. Without a certain degree of openness and democratic accountability how can the system run efficiently or without any hitches?

And many of the emails went to foreign leaders and diplomats so the matter cannot be hushed up so easily. At least the expectations were that Hillary’s emails would be saved for future perusal. This matter is not a cause for surprise. Both Hillary and her husband Bill have been previously accused of hiding records and carrying out many policies in a surreptitious manner that reeks of sneaky behavior.

The underhand dealings of the couple, while they were in the White House, led to much criticism from Republicans. Others have taken the opportunity to present their email records for public perusal.

Jeb Bush who has his eyes on a future presidency has said in response to the Hillary Fiasco that transparency matters. He wrote in clear words on his Twitter account that his own emails while he was governor of Florida were there for all to gaze at.

John Kerry who is the Secretary of State to replace Hillary has had his emails scrutinized from day one. This is the way it ought to be and so protocol is being followed. Hillary Clinton’s claim that she still followed the spirit of the law is utter prevarication.   


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