House Passes USA Freedom Act to Annul NSA Spying Program

House Passes USA Freedom Act to Annul NSA Spying Program

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  • House Passes the USA Freedom Act bill to annul NSA’s project of collective call data spying

NSA will be denied the right to collect call data of the citizens which had been previously acquired as a legal action for security through the new bill passed by an overwhelming vote by the House.

National Security Agency aka NSA has become a wide known secret worldwide and what has become even more evident is the NSA’s projects of spying on the general public. Only depicted in movies and books up until now, a report in USA Today proved the existence of a program through which the NSA collects all call and internet data of the USA citizens against security threats. The bill that granted NSA to collect the calls was given under Bush’s regime. It was a secret in speculation when former NSA employee Edward Snowden blew the whistle on them. 

Since then it has been a Patriot Act’s jurisdiction in question. The case has been in the Court of Appeals and it has been decided that NSA’s extensive collection of calls and personal info. The NSA control was brought to the House for consideration in the House and in a bill titled USA Freedom Act in which the 338 votes were cast in favor of denying NSA the rights to collect call data.

It will also annul their right to put gag orders on pretense of call data collection. It will allow phone companies to store 18 months data which NSA will require a warrant to procure. NSA will also have to create a term specific list to help pinpoint which citizens to monitor. After the overwhelming vote in the House, the bill will go to Senate to be passed.

The Senate will have to approve the bill as law for its implementation as soon as possible. The expiration date in the bill is arriving soon on June 1. Senate will have to make a decision to pass the bill and terminate NSA call data collection rights or modify the terms under which it was established and keep the NSA program in operation.

On Senate level, the bill is being questioned with a different perspective. It is considered vital for national security in the modern technological age we are living in, in which the terrorists are not hesitating from using technology.

House members consider their overwhelming vote to carry weightage with the Senate’s decision. The experts are saying that annulment of NSA rights will cause crisis for national security. The decision lies with the Senate and the upcoming deadline. 

Sources: Wired , LATimes

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