How Many Lies Did Brian Williams Tell?

How Many Lies Did Brian Williams Tell?

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The news anchor is facing even more stories where he /4/not have remembered the truth.

The full story about Brian Williams exaggerating the truth broke in February, and ever since that initial lie was discovered, news outlets and viewers alike have been looking for even more of his little white lies – and they /4/have found them.

His first story, that he “mis-remembered” was about the Iraq war in 2003. According to the Washington Post, he told approximately eleven different versions of that story, all of them embellishments on the original lie. 

But now, there have been reports that he /4/have lied about eleven other news stories, embellishing them with details that probably never happened. 

The investigation, that /4/be expanded and extended within the next few days, includes at least one episode that was previously unreported, involving statements by Mr. Williams about events from Tahrir Square in Cairo during the Arab Spring. The investigation, conducted by at least five NBC journalists, was commissioned early this year. The inquiry is being led by Richard Esposito, the senior executive producer for investigations, for the news division.

His latest lie? It might have happened just a few weeks before he was caught, on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. During his visit to the show, Williams described his experience reporting from Cairo. When he told the story of clashes between protesters seeking the overthrow of the government, and a government group on horses, he said he had “actually made eye contact with the man on the lead horse.” Mr. Stewart then referred to reports that the pro-government group had used whips. “Yeah,” Mr. Williams replied, “he went around the corner after I saw him, they pulled out whips and started beating human beings on the way.”

However, those who have looked into the instance have said that Mr. Williams was reporting “from a balcony overlooking Tahrir Square,” rather than from inside the square itself, a description that matches footage that was broadcast.

It seems like we might be seeing a lot less of Brian Williams, and for a longer time than we initially thought.


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