Indoor Air Purifiers are Good for Heart Patients

Indoor Air Purifiers are Good for Heart Patients

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  • Internal Air Cleaners are a Boon for Cardiac Patients
  • Indoor Air Purifiers /4/Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

It has been discovered that indoor air purifiers are a boon for cardiac patients. The quality of the internal environment is crucial for those with heart issues.

According to Chinese researchers, those facing cardiac problems /4/benefit from air cleaners that are placed within their home environments. And although it has not been conclusively proved that air cleaners prevent heart attacks from occurring, there is sufficient evidence to lend credence to the fact that heart health depends upon clean and pure air. Those nations with high rates of air pollution ended up with more cases of heart patients entering the hospitals for treatment. 

Cardiovascular health was affected by atmospheric quality. And what better place to enjoy clean air than within the context of one’s own residence. While one cannot change the world, one can reshuffle the variables in one’s home sweet home. China which has one of the highest levels of air pollution in the world was where the experiments were carried out. 

The experiment subjects were given genuine and fake air purifiers and told to inhale air coming from them for the span of two weeks. The markers for inflammation and heart trouble in their blood reports improved significantly following the experiment.

Hypertension measures, lung functioning and blood vessel dilation levels were carefully recorded. While there were some changes, the evidence probably does not apply in the case of every Tom, Dick and Harry. 

Although as a placebo and faith-based measure, this technique has its proponents, it does not cause such a spike in health markers so as to warrant too much excitement and gushing among scientists. The drugs and standard medical procedures used in heart patients cannot be ignored in favor of the air purifier method.

Nobody is saying that you throw out the medical model. But of course there are no particular negative symptoms from using air cleaners either so their use could be employed as a conjunctive practice alongside the usual precautions and treatments. 

Especially, for those unfortunate individuals exposed to high levels of pollution, an air cleaner is a godsend indeed. Since most of America is shifting to a services economy, and the environment is much cleaner than in China which has a manufacturing economy, it is questionable whether air cleaners would fit right into the contextual situation in America. As for the price tags attached with these air cleaners they range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars per costly unit. 

There is a change of filters that is involved in these air cleaners too. Thus it is not all exactly hunky dory. The maintenance costs are myriad. It is in a way rather too much of a hassle. Nevertheless, one thing that has been established without a shadow of a doubt is that air quality matters especially when it comes to heart health.

The heart has reasons that reason knows not! And when it comes to the heart of the matter…the levels of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, not to mention water vapors, that exist in the air that you inhale and exhale, have to be within a certain balanced ratio if optimal cardiac functioning is to be taken for granted.

The study published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

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