Iran Nuclear Deal to be ratified by Congress

Iran Nuclear Deal to be ratified by Congress

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The latest scoop has it that an Iran Nuclear Deal is to be ratified by Congress. At least the White House plans to sell the proposition to Congress.

Finally, a nuclear deal has been settled with Iran by the White House. It had everything to do with Obamanomics. And the next very difficult step is selling this proposal to Congress which is not budging an inch.

Within the time span of a day and night, everyone from the president to his advisors and the various departments and chiefs of staff have been informed regarding the deal and how it will work in America’s favor.

The scheme is to disallow Iran from making nuclear weapons of mass destruction and only allow it to employ atoms for peaceful purposes. The hard part is convincing Congress of the validity and surety of this strategy.

Many high ranking officials spoke to each other via telephonic conversation and things have been hammered out much to the satisfaction of all sides. Many of the Jewish organizations and their leaders were willing to allow the deal between Congress and Iran to further fructify.

Sanctions have yet to be lifted though. For that to occur there will have to be solid proof from Iran’s leaders of its sincerity in these matters. 

Things have for once in a blue moon though happened on a level of mutual respect and harmonious co-existence. If Iran sticks to its promises and does not cause any hanky panky of any sort then maybe one day it can have its own atomic program and an Islamic Bomb as well like Pakistan.

Besides lifting of sanctions on Iran, the bomb once made will be difficult to do away with or dismantle. Thus President Obama has the right to veto the whole shebang before it gets off the ground.

The ultimate drawstrings will be in Congress’ hands though. In other words, it will be Uncle Sam who will be putting the screws to the process. Meanwhile, Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu was apprehensive lest Iran later on use its nuclear arsenals to harm Israel’s vested interests in the region.

He said categorically that Israel’s existence was non-negotiable. Obama too assuaged his fears of a nuclear armed Iran threatening Israel which lay closeby geographically. The earlier statements by the Iranian hardliner Ahmednejad had provoked Israel’s fears. Ahmednejad had said that Israel ought to be wiped off the face of the earth.   

Sources: CNN , FoxNews


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