Items from Paul Walker car crash hit auction

Items from Paul Walker car crash hit auction

Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images

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Sunglasses Walker allegedly wore the day of the accident are part of the auction

Some people have very little respect for the pain that others feel following the death of a loved one. Such is the case with a person who is putting items from the accident site where actor Paul Walker was killed in a car crash late last year.

There are several items in the auction that allegedly came from the accident site reports US Magazine. The person who put the items up for auction is remaining unknown. That is no surprise, the last person that stole items from the Walker crash site ended up in jail.

Among the items at the auction are chunks of carbon fiber, a fire extinguisher, and the sunglasses that Walker was allegedly wearing the day he died. The person who is selling the items off claims to have gathered them up from the crash site on November 30 after the car was hauled off.

“Once the site investigation was cleared with car debris hauled away and tape taken down, a responding officer allowed him as well as others back to the public site,” the site reads. “The only thing left was a charred ivy brush, minor residual debris, a knocked down pole and tree. As the consigner walked the scene in disbelief and grief, he found a pair of sunglasses nearby in the ivy. After showing one of the officers, he was waved off.”



“These auction items are offered with the acknowledgement of Paul Walker’s immeasurable charitable contributions,” the site reads. “A portion of the proceeds will benefit one of the main charities BidAMI partners with.”

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