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Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro are reportedly going to work in David O. Russell’s movie “Joy”.
Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro shared a wonderful chemistry in the movie “Silver Linings Playbook”. Recently David O. Russell signed Jennifer for another movie named Joy. He is also in talks with actor Robert De Niro to work in this movie. These two performed outstandingly in movie “Silver Linings Playbook”. It looks like De Niro is trying to build that charismatic performance again on screen by working with the old team.
De Niro is in talks these days with Russell to have the role in the movie. He was nominated for an Oscar for his excellent performance in the previous movies. The casting is being finalized as the shooting for this movie will start in February 2015. Russell is also rewriting the script of this movie. He is writing it from the point of view of Mangano. It will reveal her revolution from a single mother to a star.
The character of Mangano will be played by Jennifer Lawrence. She will be playing the role of women inventing many things for Home Shopping Network. The role will show her as a mother of three and working in her field as well. De Niro will be playing the role of Jennifer’s father in this movie.
This movie will be produced by Fox movies. John Davis and John Fox are the current producers of this movie. David O. Russell is an excellent director. He had directed “American Hustle” in past which was a huge hit. His recent movies have certainly caught attention for Oscar nominations and other bigger awards.
This might be the reason that De Niro is interested in working with this actor as well. He worked with Russell in three movies in the past three years. It looks like he is trying to work with him again as he approached him for “Joy”.
Rumors are that Bradley Cooper might be given a special role in this movie. If Bradley Cooper will get a role in this movie then this movie will be a perfect reunion for Oscar winning movie stars. Russell’s movie “American Hustle” also got nominated for four Oscars. This kind of work can be expected from his upcoming movie as well.
As much as the concept of all these stars working together seems great but the same cannot be said about this story. People are very concerned when it comes to the story of this movie. Only time and direction will reveal that how the story of home shopping queen can become a promising movie.
This all depends upon the script and direction. If the direction would be great along with the script then it might become one of the greatest movies of all times. Jennifer is very much talented and she can play any role with mastery. De Niro is a great actor and will surely add a lot to this movie on the whole.
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