Justin Bieber sued by Previous Neighbor

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  • Justin Bieber is being sued by his previous neighbor over an egging incident

Justin Bieber and his crew have been accused of rude behavior and discriminatory remarks.

Justin Bieber who is known to get into scandals and trouble is once again in the limelight for his adventures. Justin Bieber this time has been used by his former neighbor whose house was basically egged by the singer and his friends.

The neighbor has claimed that he and his wife have suffered emotional distress because the singer’s bodyguard called him “little Jew boy”. According to TMZ, the neighbor Jeff Schwartz has claimed in the lawsuit that the remark by Justin’s bodyguard was hurled at him months before the singer and his buddies egged his house in January 2014.

Moreover Justin pleaded no contest to vandalism and went on probation. The singer maybe out of guilt even paid out $80,000 for the repairs to the neighbor’s house. 

Even though the young star has gone on probation and paid quite a good sum for the repairs, Jeff Schwartz wants more. He has also claimed that the singer and his crew terrorized the Calabasas neighborhood while Justin lived there with loud parties, drag races and disgusting encounters.

In one of these encounter according to Schwartz the Justin spitted on him but Justin has denied this accusation. Moreover Schwartz has even claimed that Justin hurled obscenities at his wife and minor daughter.

In the lawsuit Schwartz has claimed that on Memorial Day weekend of 2013 the young star was speeding around the neighborhood in his Ferrari when he and his friend walked over to the star.

They told Justin to stop because he was putting lives at risk. Then Schwartz claims that Justin’s bodyguards came out and one of them called him a “little Jew boy”, and repeatedly said “What are you going to do about it Jew boy?” these remarks Schwartz has claimed has caused him emotional distress and he wants damages for this.

Now Justin Bieber has admitted to many of these claims and has admitted that his behavior has been bad. Also recently at a Comedy Center Roast given in his honor the young star tried to be quite respectful in his statement.

Well it seems that early success is the reason behind Justin Bieber’s rude behavior. Now how much are all the claims of Jeff Schwartz true is still to be seen but keeping in Justin’s past record it seems Jeff might be correct in all his claims. 


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