Kate Upton Says She Was A Little Uncomfortable During Bikini Scene

Kate Upton says she was a little uncomfortable during bikini scene

Lester Cohen/Getty Images

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Upton uncomfortable in a bikini

You might think that being a super model most known for looks good in the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition would mean you are very comfortable in a bikini. Kate Upton says that she was uncomfortable when she filmed the bikini scene in the movie The Other Woman reports E Online.

It’s hard to imagine Upton not being comfortable in a skimpy bikini.

“This was my first movie role and these two supported me every step of the way,” Upton said during an interview with costars Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann. “They made me feel so safe from day one. They encouraged me to mess up and try new things and they were amazing examples.”

“She’s fearless,” Diaz added. “I mean she really went for it.”

“I’ve never had support like that before and it was just so amazing that I got that on my first film experience,” the blond beauty added.

Upton says that she wished she had been in top shape for that scene.

“Of course, I always try to live a healthy lifestyle, but that was my birthday week,” she said. “So that was the least healthy I’ve ever been. I just turned 21…Cameron, Leslie and I were just living it up that week.”

I don’ think there will be many people that agree Upton didn’t look to be in good shape. She has been in other movies in the past, notable The Three Stooges, but those were minor roles. This was her first major role.

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