Kate Upton: Yankees Not allowed Upton to wear any Tigers Gear

Kate Upton hindered from wearing Tigers' Gear at Yankee Stadium

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The supersexy supermodel, Kate Upton was hindered from wearing the wrong gear at a sports event recently.

Kate Upton caused quite an uproar by her candid revelation that she was a Yankees fan before she changed paths and became a Detroit Tigers fan. 

Of course, all this is very understandable since her beau, Justin Verlander is on the team she has switched allegiances to. But despite the romantic alibi, it seemed Kate’s confession didn’t go too well in some quarters. 

She appeared in a specific gear at a sports event recently and was not exactly welcomed for this blatant opposition to the Yankees. As she sat in the seats as a spectator she even enjoyed a fun moment by having Justin toss her a baseball. 

But afterwards, the Yankees told her that she would not be allowed to wear a Detroit Tigers hat the nest time she views the game. This was Yankee territory and such “sleeping with the enemy” was not allowed. 

Kate Upton appeared on Live with Kelly and Michael on Friday morning with co-host and former NFL player and co-host Michael Strahan. “I used to be a really big Yankees fan, but I’m actually sleeping with the enemy,” Upton told Strahan.

“My boyfriend plays for the Tigers,” Upton said. “I had to pick a side. And I felt it too, when I walked in. The Yankees told me, ‘You’re not allowed to wear a Tigers hat. You’re not allowed to wear any Tigers gear.’ It’s like a bad breakup.”

There have been previous cases of bossy people telling fans not to applaud their favorite team by wearing particular colors. The New York Yankees seem to have an agenda and certain rules and regulations that go beyond the necessary. 

Such intolerance reeks of chauvinism and extreme boorishness.  But Kate has taken it all in good humor. She says that she would sometimes wear a Yankees cap in order to make her beau Verlander angry. 

Verlander had told her that when he became angry,he played with greater aggressiveness and speed. So here Kate seems to have been playing a double game. 

“He actually told me ‘I like to be angry before I pitch.’ He didn’t tell me before, so he’d seem like he was in a bad mood before he pitched, so I’d be like joke, joke, joke, joke, joke, trying to cheer him up,” said Kate, 22. “And then he got mad at me, he was like, ‘Stop making me laugh, I’m trying to be angry.’” 

So Kate decided to kill two birds with one stone and wore a New York Yankees cap instead to the game and thus satisfied the Yankees as well as her fiancé who naturally got angry. 

“I went straight to wear a Yankees cap,” Kate said. “He always says anytime we’re fighting I wear a Yankees hat. And when we’re getting along I’m wearing a Detroit hat.”

Many times you see the best of people have misunderstandings over the silliest and smallest of matters. So what if a woman who is a supermodel wears a hat and gear that belongs to the opposing team? 

Is it such an unforgivable sin or unpardonable crime that one cannot extricate oneself from its jaws? 

It seems that after our entry into the 21st century, paranoia has grown by leaps and bound in the human species. And a lack of tolerance has also been quite evident.  

In case you missed the entertaining discussion, check it out in below video.


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