Kendall and Kylie Jenner were both given the pink slip by their mutual girlfriend, Selena Gomez, after she caught Kylie texting Justin Bieber.
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner given the Pink Slip by Selena Gomez
Who can forget the film “Mean Girls”? Today such things are occurring in real life though. Selena Gomez recently engaged in a spat with her BFFs Kendall Jenner and Kylie lending proof to the fact that truth is stranger than fiction.
By deleting them from her Instagram account, Selena gave the two sisters the boot. She also erased any mention of their influence on her at the Coachella Festival.
However, the actual reason behind this rather extreme action is not the poisonous nature of the two twins. Rather, it happens to be Selena’s boyfriend with whom she has an electromagnetic relationship.
Justin Bieber, the bad boy of pop, got some text messages from Kylie and Selena got to know about this occurrence. She nearly blew her top at this. Soon the two were fighting like a pair of cats.
“Justin admitted it and insists they’re just friends, but Selena doesn’t believe him, and they had a screaming match over it,” the source told InTouch (via HL). “She feels completely humiliated.”
Now Selena has dumped both the sisters and wants to have nothing to do with them at all. Kendall and Kylie are also hard partiers who just cannot control their drinking and flirting while they are at some event. That too is a part of the reason why Selena decided to forgo their friendship.
Meanwhile, Bieber was also the target of Selena’s anger. She gave him a good vocal hiding at his misbehavior. While Kylie and Kendall /4/be on a one way street to “Trouble Land”, Bieber is no angel himself.
He is also someone about whom Selena will have to be very careful indeed. Nevertheless, the KUWTK girls and Justin Bieber have said that they will ignore Selena’s anger and continue their friendship with each other.
But one thing is for sure, the level of trust between Selena and Justin has been shaken badly. Whether it is the last feather this time around remains to be seen.
However, Selena and Justin have often split up and then gotten back together again. So this is normal fare for the two. They are used to it and what appears odd to the outside world is taken normally by Selena and Justin who cannot stay away from each other for long.
Sumayah Aamir
Sumayah Aamir (Google+) has deep experience in analyzing the latest trends.
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