Kim Kardashian West Expecting Twins

Kim Kardashian West Expecting Twins

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  • Kim Kardashian West is reportedly expecting twins!

Mrs. Kanye West had in vitro fertilization and is now expecting twins as a result!

Social media has been a buzz since Kim Kardashian West announced she is expecting baby no. 2. Kim has made no secret of the fact she is suffering with morning sickness this time around too. The reality star took to Twitter to announced she is so F***ing sick on many levels and wants to get through the day. 

However having morning sickness is the least of Kim’s problems since a lot of nasty rumors have also started circulating the web regarding her pregnancy. According to Twitter user named Wendy she is the surrogate of Kim’s baby while the reality star will be wearing a prosthetic belly throughout the duration of the pregnancy. 

However some people are on the Kardashian side as proved by a fan that goes by the name of ‘Myzeela Kardashian’ on Twitter, as the user dissed Wendy for claiming false accusations. Kim also shared the tweet by Myzeela and stated getting a surrogate is a type of rumor she would address but thankfully she didn’t have to get one.

Other reports surrounding the newly pregnant Kim claim she is actually expecting twins. A source very close to the family has revealed to New York Daily News that Kim underwent in vitro fertilization and as a result two eggs were fertilized. However Kim is not announcing the news since she wants to confirm if both the eggs will remain viable and complete the pregnancy term.

Another reason for the secrecy is the fact Kim doesn’t want to steal the spotlight over from Caitlyn Jenner, as Kim wants Caitlyn to enjoy her time in the limelight and not be overshadowed by her. The only people privy to the news of Kim carrying twins are her sister, husband and mother. 

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