Latest on George Zimmerman

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The publicly reviled man was harmed in a shooting on Monday afternoon.

You /4/remember George Zimmerman as the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, and then wasn’t convicted of murder. His name remains a much-reviled one amongst many Americans, and Zimmerman has said that he fears for his life.

He fear confronting someone like Matthew Apperson — who shot towards the man, and the bullet flew through Zimmerman’s truck Monday and barely missed his head. This isn’t the first time that the men have met either. According to CNN “In September, Apperson accused the former neighborhood watch volunteer of threatening him in what Zimmerman’s lawyer described as a “quasi-road rage incident.”

There are conflicting reports as to why the shooting occured, though many (including Don West, Zimmerman’s lawyer) are saying that it had to do with road rage. “His injuries would be considered minor,” Zimmerman’s lawyer said. “The bullet missed his head. I think it broke a window and lodged in his vehicle.” Early images of the car show that the passenger side window does have a bullet hole in it.

“He rolled his window up and he decided to get away, not to provoke it whatsoever,” West said. “And the fella followed him — followed him around the U-turn and then pulled up to him and shot at him.”

At this time, they aren’t sure whether or not the shooting has anything to do with the Trayvon Martin case. “I’m wondering if there is some kind of spillover from the Trayvon Martin incident,” he said. “Whether he saw George Zimmerman and decided to be aggressive with him initially back last fall and maybe this is a spillover to this, I don’t know.”

Apperson’s lawyer says that he was afraid, because Zimmerman had gotten out of his car and started yelling and moving toward Apperson. Apperson also said that Zimmerman had a gun. “What happened today, he was legally justified to do,” Apperson’s lawyer said Monday.

Police are currently investigating the situation and have no made any formal comments.

Since his acquittal in the Trayvon Martin case, Zimmerman has had several other brushes with the law, including allegations of assault by girlfriends, and his wife claiming he smashed her iPad. Charges were either dropped or not pursued because of a lack of evidence in those cases.

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