Lena Headey’s Game of Thrones Scene Costed Over $50,000

Lena Headey's Game of Thrones Scene Costed $50,000

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Lena Headey’s Game of Thrones Scene Costed Over $50,000

With the current rise of incidences revolving around the leakage of celebrity nude photos, Game of Thrones executives decided not to take any chances while shooting Lena Headey‘s nude scene from Croatia. Since they were aware of the damage that could be caused by any loop holes, they were willing to spend as much as they could for the sake of ensuring the scene remains confidential.

According to Independent, the executives parted with about $50,000 every day. The cash was used to pay the over 200 private security men who sealed the venue for four days. Besides that, people who own business in that area were paid handsomely to stay away during the filming period.

Lena Headey assumes the role of Cersei Lannister in the Game of Thrones. The drama is in its fifth season where the character had to walk out of a church in Croatia without any clothes. In the scene, Headey has to walk all the way to the King’s Landing castle. Since the journey from the church to the palace is somehow long, the actress’s image would have been captured by many people and find its way into the internet.

The producers had earlier tackled with a lot of resistance from the church because they were not ready to let them shoot such a scene. However, after a series of negotiations, the church gave in to the executives’ request. The church had earlier refused because it feared the scene could tarnish it’s good name because the society does not expect it to promote such things.

Before the filming started, everyone who was to be in the set was made to sign a non disclosure agreement that would have them pay a fine of not less than $250,000. The executives were so strict such that they did not allow anyone to carry a phone or any other device to the filming grounds. There were actually just four cast team members.

The film is adopted from several books authored by George R.R. Martin. Now if you are a fan of this drama, you need to keep your fingers crossed because it’s set to hit the screens soon.

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