Lumoid to rent out Apple Watch

Lumoid to rent out Apple Watch

Will let consumers test before buying

The Apple Watch is set to hit the market in April and consumers are waiting in anticipation. While the smartwatch will certainly be purchased by the consumer on the release date, there will be those who will wait a while and get feedback from others as to exactly what the Apple Watch does and details. Lumoid on the other hand has another solution. The company has announced that they will rent out the Apple Watch so potential buyers will be able to test out the device and see for certain if they wish to buy it or not.

Lumoid is a rental start up that rents out digital and mobile devices. They plan on having a wait list and signup sheet on their website. Lumoid believes that there will be some people who will not be able to afford the price of the Apple Watch and with being able to rent it out, all consumers will have a chance to have the luxury of being able to wear an Apple Watch.

The current practice for Lumoid is that they allow a person to rent up to five devices for a total of a week. If the consumer does not wish to buy one of the models that they rented, they will pay a $20 rental fee. If they do wish to buy one of the products, that rental fee is waived and then the company will ship a brand new model to them. Lumoid CEO Aarthi Ramamurthy says that the Apple Watch will be in their new rental program but it is not known if the rental fee for the Apple Watch wearables set will be $20. Most analysts believe that it will be a little higher.

Lumoid has been around for a year. One thing for certain is if the Apple Watch is able to catch on, the rental sales for the Apple Watch should be able to top all expectations.

Source: nbcnews

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